- Examine and follow up on proposals from the Financial Services Development Council in respect of Renminbi business, asset and wealth management, and real estate investment trusts to promote the development of the financial services industry.
- Consider increasing the number of Economic and Trade Offices in Asia, strengthen our liaison work and tap new markets, as well as set up more offices in the Mainland.
- Commence formal negotiations for a Hong Kong-ASEAN Free Trade Agreement.
- Propose setting up a new statutory maritime body to develop high value-added maritime services.
- Promote Hong Kong's legal and dispute resolution services.
- Re-initiate the setting up of an Innovation and Technology Bureau.
- Explore ways to further develop the eastern waters off Lantau Island and neighbouring areas with a view to developing an East Lantau Metropolis. A Lantau Development Advisory Committee will be established to prepare the economic and social development strategy. With the commissioning of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge in the near future, we will develop “bridgehead economy” at the 130 hectares artificial island for the Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities.
- Review the agricultural policy and carry out consultation within this year.
Poverty Alleviation, Care for the Elderly and Support for the Disadvantaged
- Introduce a Low-income Working Family Allowance tied to employment and working hours to encourage self-reliance and break the vicious cycle of inter-generational poverty. The annual expenditure involved is estimated to be around $3 billion. More than 200 000 low- income families with 710 000 members will benefit.
- Regularise several Community Care Fund (CCF)
programmes. Beneficiaries include:
-primary and secondary students receiving student financial assistance;
-underprivileged students pursuing eligible programmes below sub-degree level;
-Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients who are Tenants Purchase Scheme flat owners;
-children from low-income families on the waiting list for subvented pre-school rehabilitation services;
-persons with severe physical disabilities living in the community and requiring constant care.
- Consider the provision of a one-off subsidy for those known colloquially as the “n have-nots”.
- Improve the CSSA Scheme by enhancing support for students receiving CSSA and increasing work incentives for adult CSSA recipients. Additional rent assistance for CSSA recipients will be provided.
- Study the feasibility of adopting the subsidy mode of Community
Care Service Voucher for the Elderly for residential care services. About $800 million has been earmarked for issuing a total of 3 000 residential care service vouchers in phases.
- Explore the feasibility of extending the Old Age Living Allowance to Guangdong.
- Incorporate the Elderly Health Care Voucher Pilot Scheme into the regular assistance programme and double the annual voucher amount to $2,000.
- From the 2014/15 school year, implement a Chinese Language Curriculum Second Language Learning Framework for ethnic minority students in primary and secondary schools. Annual funding of approximately $200 million will be provided to enhance school support.
- Introduce measures to support persons with disabilities, their families and carers, including the provision of 6 200 additional places for rehabilitation services during the term of this Government.
- Extend the scheme on a concessionary fare of $2 to eligible children with disabilities under the age of 12, and explore further extension of the scheme to green minibuses in phases from the first quarter of 2015.
- Inject $10 billion into the Lotteries Fund to ensure that the Special Scheme on Privately Owned Sites for Welfare Uses will be implemented smoothly.
- Improve after-school care services and extend services under the Neighbourhood Support Child Care Project.
Nurture the Next Generation
- Increase the voucher value of the Pre-primary Education Voucher Scheme by $2,500 per year for the 2014/15 and 2015/16 school years and lift the fee remission ceiling.
- Incorporate three CCF learning support programmes into the regular assistance programme, benefiting about 270 000 students.
- Provide an additional 2 120 subsidised places to local students to pursue degree education in and outside Hong Kong. Students who choose to further their studies in the Mainland will also receive financial assistance.
- Implement measures to help young people with life planning and strengthen vocational education. These include: from the 2014/15 school year, provide public sector schools operating classes at senior secondary levels with an additional recurrent grant to introduce more life planning education elements; from the 2014/15 academic year, allocate recurrent funding to the Vocational Training Council to provide industrial attachment opportunities, benefiting over 9 000 students; and set up a $1 billion endowment fund to provide longterm support for the sustainable development of the Qualifications Framework.
- Earmark $200 million for the Partnership Fund for the Disadvantaged, so as to provide funding on a matching basis, to encourage the business
sector and organisations to work with schools in launching more after-school learning and support programmes for primary and secondary students from grassroots families.
- Launch two Youth Hostel Scheme projects in Mong Kok and Jordan, in addition to the two projects in Sheung Wan and Tai Po. Together, they are expected to provide about 1 000 hostel places.
- Double the recurrent subvention for uniformed groups such as the Scout Association, the Hong Kong Red Cross and the Hong Kong Road Safety Patrol.
- Sponsor Mainland exchange and internship programmes for young people arranged by community organisations. Places offered will increase to 14 000.
Land, Housing and Transport
- Accept the recommendation of the Long Term Housing Strategy
Steering Committee to increase housing supply. The new target is to provide a total of 470 000 units in the coming ten years, with public housing accounting for 60%.
- Lift the development moratorium at the south of Pok Fu Lam, i.e. the area close to Wah Fu Estate. This area will be used for public housing development and the future redevelopment of Wah Fu Estate, providing about 11 900 additional public rental housing and Home Ownership Scheme units.
- The Preliminary Outline Development Plan for the Hung Shui Kiu New Development Area has been formulated. It can accommodate a population of 175 000 and provide about 100 000 job opportunities.
- Make further efforts to optimise the public transport system and pursue bus route rationalisation, given that five new railway lines will be completed in succession in the next six years.
- Announce as soon as possible a new railway development blueprint setting out new railway projects to be implemented after 2020, and actively consider constructing the South Island Line (West).
- Foster a "bicycle-friendly" environment in new towns and new development areas. A 60 km cycling track between Ma On Shan and Tuen Mun is being constructed in phases.
Environmental Protection and Conservation
- The Council for Sustainable Development will collate public views received and put forward specific proposals for the Government to devise a quantity-based municipal solid waste charging mechanism suitable for Hong Kong.
- Earmark $1 billion to launch a Recycling Fund to promote the sustainable development of the recycling industry.
- Draw up comprehensive strategies and plans to reduce, recover and treat organic waste.
- Earmark $1 billion to launch a Restored Landfill Revitalisation Funding Scheme.
- Subsidise colorectal cancer screening for higher risk groups.
- Taken measures jointly with the Medical Council of Hong Kong to refine the arrangements for the licensing examination for medical practitioners to encourage qualified overseas doctors to practise in Hong Kong. The Hospital Authority will continue to recruit overseas doctors by way of Limited Registration and provide nurse training programmes.
- Reserve a site in Tseung Kwan O to set up a Chinese medicine hospital.
Culture, Leisure and Municipal Services
- From 2015-16, make available in stages a range of cultural and arts facilities in the West Kowloon Cultural District.
- Plan to build a cross-district community cultural centre in Ngau Tau Kok.
- Seek funding for the construction of additional indoor sports centres in Sha Tin and Tuen Mun.
- Accord priority to the planning of the Multi-purpose Sports Complex at Kai Tak with a view to commencing advance works for the project in 2015.
Constitution and Administration
- Committed to advancing constitutional development. A public consultation on the methods for selecting the Chief Executive in 2017 and for forming the Legislative Council in 2016 was launched in December 2013.
- Introduce a pilot scheme in two districts to provide the District Management Committees chaired by District Officers with the decision-making power to tackle the management and environmental hygiene problems of some public areas. The District Councils will advise on work priorities.