- Submit proposals to complement the National 13th Five-Year Plan.
- Actively liaise with Guangdong for favourable treatment and opportunities for
Hong Kong people and enterprises in the planning and development of Nansha, Qianhai and Hengqin.
- Prepare for establishment of the Insurance Authority to promote the development of the insurance industry.
- Enhance the functions of the Hong Kong Maritime Industry Council to foster the development of high value-added maritime services and nurture talent; support the Airport Authority to implement the three-runway system project.
- Increase the number of Economic and Trade Offices in Asia to help business and investors tap Asian markets.
- Inject $5 billion into the Innovation and Technology Fund and set up an Enterprise Support Scheme to enhance funding support for private sector R&D projects.
- Inject funding into the Film Development Fund and adopt strategy to promote the development of creative industries.
- Commence discussion on Phase 2 development of Hong Kong Disneyland Resort.
- Consider constructing a new convention centre above the Exhibition Station.
- Propose a new agricultural policy and supportive measures, including an Agricultural Park and a Sustainable Agriculture Development Fund.
Housing, Land and Transport
- Update the “Hong Kong 2030: Planning Vision and Strategy” published in 2007.
- Take forward development of Lantau Island, including revitalisation of Tai O and Mui Wo, development of Tung Chung New Town Extension and early commencement of the preliminary study on the East Lantau Metropolis.
- Energise Kowloon East by considering the release of land occupied by government facilities in the area, improving the pedestrian environment and continuing to take forward the Kai Tak Fantasy project.
- Set the total housing supply target for the coming decade at 480 000 units.
- Actively explore ways to increase the supply of subsidised sale flats through organisations including the Housing Authority, the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) and the Urban Renewal Authority to provide more choices and opportunities of home ownership to low and middle-income families.
- Put up for pre-sale approximately 2 700 Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) flats by the Housing Authority in 2015-16, and about 2 000 and 1 600 subsidised sale flats by the Housing Authority and HKHS respectively in 2016-17.
- Launch a pilot scheme to identify public rental housing flats under construction for sale to Green Form applicants at prices lower than those of HOS flats.
- Implement seven new railway projects in phases by 2031 pursuant to the Railway Development Strategy 2014, and continue to monitor the MTR Corporation Limited to ensure smooth daily operation of existing services and effective planning and construction of new railways.
- Hold multi-party discussion with all community sectors to jointly devise strategies and build consensus to address the issue of long-term land supply.
- Provide $100 million for the Construction Industry Council to strengthen the training for skilled construction workers.
- Further enhance the Supplementary Labour Scheme for the construction industry. Set up a Construction Industry Recruitment Centre to accord priority to employing local workers.
Poverty Alleviation, Care for the Elderly and Support for the Disadvantaged
- Introduce the Low-income Working Family Allowance, involving annual expenditure of around $3 billion, and earmark $200 million to extend the short-term food assistance service to end-2017.
- Launch a public consultation on retirement protection in the second half of 2015 and earmark $50 billion to improve retirement protection for needy citizens.
- Strive to improve the Mandatory Provident Fund, including the introduction of a “core fund”.
- Earmark $800 million for the residential care service voucher scheme for the elderly and issue 3 000 service vouchers to provide about 5 000 additional subsidised residential care places.
- Actively pursue 60 projects under the Special Scheme on Privately Owned Sites for Welfare Uses to provide additional social welfare facilities for the elderly and rehabilitation services.
- Provide more resources and launch new programmes to strengthen the support for families and children most in need of support, mental patients, children with special needs and their families, moderately mentally handicapped persons and autistic persons and their parents or carers.
- Offer 1 300 and 800 places for Employees Retraining Board courses for new arrivals and ethnic minorities respectively in 2015-16.
Optimising Our Population for the Future
- Unleash the potential of the local labour force:
– extend the service of civil servants and encourage employers to extend the working life of their employees;
– increase full-day child care places and places of extended hours service to provide support for women who wish to join the job market;
– promote employment for the underprivileged.
- Take a proactive approach to recruiting talent and professionals from outside Hong Kong:
– implement a pilot scheme to attract the second generation of Chinese Hong Kong permanent residents who have emigrated overseas to return to Hong Kong;
– refine the General Employment Policy, the Admission Scheme for Mainland Talents and Professionals, and the Quality Migrant Admission Scheme;
– study the drawing up of a talent list to attract high-quality talent in a more focused manner.
- Review the child allowance under salaries tax in the coming Budget.
- Increase the Statutory Minimum Wage rate to $32.5 per hour and promote informed and in-depth discussion on the issue of working hours in the community to map out the way forward.
Youth Education and Development
- Starting from 2015/16 school year, increase the graduate teacher ratio in public sector primary schools from 50% to 65% in 2017/18 school year.
- Review and refine the Business-School Partnership Programme to enhance students’ understanding of different trades.
- Provide subsidy for students to join at least one Mainland exchange programme each in the primary and secondary stages.
- Launch a pilot scheme to provide financial and other support for primary and secondary sister schools in Hong Kong and the Mainland to facilitate professional exchange and co-operation.
- Fine-tune the existing exchange and internship programmes for young people and increase funding for these programmes.
- Set up a $300 million Youth Development Fund to support innovative youth development activities, including assisting young people starting their own business.
Environmental Protection and Conservation
- Improve air quality by requiring ocean-going vessels at berth in Hong Kong to switch to low-sulphur diesel and by designating low emission zones in Causeway Bay, Central and Mong Kok. Franchised bus companies will trial single-deck electric buses.
- Introduce a Recycling Fund to promote the sustainability of the recycling industry.
- Consult the public on the future development and regulatory framework of the electricity market.
- Provide venues for water activities along waterfront areas in Kowloon West, Wan Chai, and Central and identify desirable locations to build new water sports centres to promote water-friendly culture and activities.
- Pursue the construction of an acute general hospital in Kai Tak Development Area.
- Provide additional hospital beds, increase operating theatre sessions and quota for endoscopy examination.
- Increase the quota for patients with episodic illness, expand the coverage of the Drug Formulary and enhance healthcare services for elderly patients.
- Implement the Voluntary Health Insurance Scheme by legislation having regard to the outcome of the public consultation.
- Plan and develop a testing centre for Chinese medicine for setting reference standards for the safety, quality and testing methods of Chinese medicine.
Constitutional Development and District Administration
- Launch the second round public consultation on the method for selecting the Chief Executive by universal suffrage.
- Increase the honorarium of District Council (DC) members by 15% and offer each member a new provision of $10,000 per term for duty visits starting from the new term in 2016.
- Consider to provide additional manpower and resources to empower the District Management Committees in all 18 districts, starting from the next DC term, to decide on and co-ordinate work addressing certain management and environmental hygiene problems of public areas.
- Provide additional annual funding of $20.8 million for the community involvement programmes to strengthen support for DCs in promoting arts and cultural activities in districts.
Culture, Leisure and Municipal Services
- Draw up the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) for Hong Kong to accord priority to the protection of ICH items with high cultural value and requiring urgent preservation.
- Commence advance works for the Kai Tak Multi-purpose Sports Complex in 2015 with construction works expected to start in 2017.
- Commission a study on ways to support disabled athletes and promote sports participation by people with disabilities more comprehensively.
- Consider converting the vacant premises of the Tai Po Government Secondary School into an arts development centre, as well as reserving certain floor area in a site at Aberdeen for the promotion of arts and culture.
- Put forward proposals to improve the operating environment of representative public markets in 2015.