2015 Policy Address, Uphold the Rule of Law, Seize the Opportunities, Make the Right Choices, Pursue Democracy, Boost the Economy, Improve People's Livelihood
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173.     Last year, the Government introduced "A Food Waste and Yard Waste Plan for Hong Kong 2014-2022", which promotes reduction at source, food donation, recyclable collection and turning food waste into energy.  The plan sets the target of reducing food waste disposal in landfills by 40% in 2022.

174.     Since the launch of the Food Wise Hong Kong Campaign, nearly 400 trade organisations, NGOs and government departments have signed the Food Wise Charter.  Some restaurants reduced their food waste by an average of 15% or more last year.  The Government will launch the "Food Wise Eateries" campaign for the purpose of reducing food waste at source.  In 2014, the Environment and Conservation Fund set aside over $10 million to support NGOs in collecting surplus food.  It is estimated that 800 tonnes of surplus food will be redistributed to people in need every year.  At the same time, the Government has earmarked $100 million to implement waste-reduction projects with the funding already open for applications.  About one-third of the fund will be allocated to projects relating to food waste management and reduction.

175.     Despite enhanced efforts to promote waste reduction, the three existing landfills will be full, one by one, within the next five years.  Hong Kong is in dire need of expediting the extension of landfills and the development of waste-to-energy facilities, both of which are essential.  We will speed up the implementation of these important waste management infrastructure projects and enhance communication with various stakeholders.  The organic waste treatment facility in Siu Ho Wan is expected to commence operation in early 2017 and will convert food waste into electricity as renewable energy.

Green Building and Energy Conservation

176.     Today I also announce that the Government is setting a new target of achieving a 5% saving in electricity consumption for government buildings under comparable operating conditions in the coming five years.  Energy audits will be conducted for major government buildings to identify opportunities to enhance energy-saving performance and green building measures.  The Government will work with stakeholders and public and private organisations to further foster a low-carbon and livable built environment to reduce Hong Kong's overall electricity demand.

177.     The future fuel mix for electricity generation is closely intertwined with the development of the post-2018 electricity market.  Over 86 000 submissions were received in last year's public consultation on the future fuel mix for electricity generation.  The Government will consider the views received, consult the public on the future development of the electricity market and the regulatory framework, and announce the outcome of the fuel mix public consultation exercise and the way forward.



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