Land and Housing
- Continue to implement the new initiatives in housing policy, including delinking the selling prices of subsidised sale flats from the market prices
- Increase the public-private housing ratio and allocate more land for public housing development
- Review the public-private housing ratio under the Long Term Housing Strategy
- The Hong Kong Housing Authority will consider allowing owners of its subsidised sale flats with
premium unpaid to sublet their flats to families in need; introduce an initiative whereby under-occupied public rental housing
households may enjoy rent exemption upon transfer
- Accept the recommendation of the Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) to introduce the
“Flat for Flat Pilot Scheme for Elderly Owners”
- Allocate land to support the HKHS in
redeveloping its aged housing estates with
a view to increasing the supply of housing units
- Invite the Urban Renewal Authority to explore
redevelopment of the sites under the Civil
Servants’ Co-operative Building Society Scheme
Land Supply
- Develop land resources in a persistent manner
and allocate 70% of housing units on newly
developed land to public housing development
- Launch the “Lantau Tomorrow Vision”,
commence a study on the reclamation for
artificial islands to increase land supply in
Hong Kong, drive economic development
and improve people’s living quality
- Complete two studies on brownfield
operations within this year with
a view to formulating policy and
implementation measures
- Introduce the “Land Sharing Pilot Scheme”
for meeting the short to medium-term
housing demand
- Reactivate the revitalisation scheme for
industrial buildings to provide incentives to
owners to convert old industrial buildings,
and allow the provision of
transitional housing
within revitalised
industrial buildings
Liveable City
- Waive or pay for the tolls charged on franchised
buses for using government or franchised
tunnels/roads to ease fare increase pressure
- Rationalise the tolls payable by private cars,
taxis and motorcycles for using the three
harbour crossings/tunnels to re-distribute
cross-harbour traffic
- Launch a consultation next year on specific
proposals for the Electronic Road Pricing Pilot
Scheme in Central and its adjacent areas
- Provide at least 1 500 public car parking spaces
in government facilities and public open space
projects over the next five years
- Revive the “Central-Hung Hom” ferry route;
launch a pilot “water taxi” service plying
between Kai Tak, Hung Hom, Tsim Sha Tsui East,
West Kowloon and Central
Environmental Protection
- Tighten the emission standards for newly
registered motorcycles in 2020, phase out
Euro IV diesel commercial vehicles by the end
of 2023, conduct consultation on ceasing the
first registration of diesel private cars
- Legislate for the implementation of municipal
solid waste charging and provide additional
resources for the implementation of waste
reduction and recycling; take the lead to avoid
using disposable plastic tableware and study
the feasibility of regulatory control on the use
of such tableware
- Develop renewable energy with the
Government taking the lead and provide
support to individuals and non-governmental
organisations to install renewable
energy installations
Building Safety
- Launch a $2.5 billion Lift Modernisation
Subsidy Scheme to subsidise the needy
owners in modernising aged lifts
Animal Welfare
- Amend the relevant legislation to protect
animal welfare
- Implement the Animal Watchers Scheme
by the Police
Labour and Welfare
- Secure the passage of the
enabling legislation to abolish
the “offsetting” arrangement
under the Mandatory
Provident Fund Scheme
within the current term of the
Government, and implement
the abolition two years after
the legislative amendments.
The Government will enhance
the support for employers and assist the micro,
small and medium-sized enterprises in making
preparation for the change
- Extend the statutory maternity leave to
14 weeks, where the employers can apply
for reimbursement of the
additional expenditure
on four weeks’ statutory
maternity leave from the
Government; and extend
the maternity leave for all
female employees of the
Government to 14 weeks
with immediate effect
- Increase the statutory paternity leave from
three days to five days as early as possible
- Study new measures for protecting
employees injured at work and
occupational disease sufferers, including
enhanced treatment and rehabilitation
services, speeding up processing of work
injury cases and stepping up investigation
and prosecution efforts against
- Strengthen the protection of the
employment terms and conditions as
well as the labour rights of non-skilled
workers employed by government
service contractors
- Allocate additional resources
for the Commission on Children
for implementing measures in
safeguarding the interests
and well-being of children,
including enhancing child
care services, early
identification of and
provision of assistance to
pre-school children and
their families with welfare
needs and strengthening
support for divorced or
separated families
- Increase the number of service places of
On-site Pre-school Rehabilitation Services
to 7 000 in October 2019
- Formulate a new Hong Kong Rehabilitation
Programme Plan and strengthen community
support services for families of persons with
disabilities, including setting up District
Support Centres and enhancing home-based
care services
- Provide 2 000 additional places under
the Enhanced Home and Community Care
Services and 1 000 additional vouchers
under the Second Phase of the Pilot Scheme
on Community Care Service Voucher for
the Elderly
- Extend the Old Age Living Allowance to
Guangdong and Fujian Provinces so as to
further facilitate Hong Kong elderly persons
who choose to reside in these two provinces
- Allocate more than $500 million to
strengthen support for ethnic minorities
and promote inclusiveness
Diversified Economy
- Enhance the status of Hong Kong as an
international commerce and trading centre by
signing more bilateral and multilateral agreements
- Fully participate in and contribute to the Belt and
Road Initiative to generate new impetus for
economic development
- Establish a Steering Committee for the
Development of the Guangdong-Hong
Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area for the overall
co-ordination of participation in the
development of the Greater Bay Area and
identify opportunities for Hong Kong
- Closely monitor the impacts of the
trade friction between China and
the United States on Hong Kong and
introduce supportive initiatives for
various sectors in a timely manner
Innovation and Technology
- Inject $20 billion into the Research Endowment Fund
of the Research Grants Council; launch a $3 billion
Research Matching Grant Scheme; and introduce
fellowship schemes for outstanding academics to
strengthen the pool of talent in research and
innovation and technology in Hong Kong
- Expedite re-industrialisation by establishing a
$2 billion re-industrialisation funding scheme to
subsidise manufacturers to set up smart production
lines in Hong Kong and allocating $2 billion for
building manufacturing facilities required by the
advanced manufacturing sector in industrial estates
- Promote technology transfer by increasing the
funding support to the Technology Transfer
Offices of universities, the Technology
Start-up Support Scheme for Universities, as well as the State Key Laboratories and
Hong Kong branches of the Chinese
National Engineering Research Centre
- Announce annual plans to open up data by
government departments
- Launch pro-innovation government
procurement policies
Transportation Services and Logistics
- Formulate tax measures to foster ship leasing
business; provide tax concessions for the
marine insurance sector; support Hong Kong
to provide dispute resolution services to the
global maritime industry; and inject $200
million into the Maritime and Aviation
Training Fund
Financial Services
- Issue the first batch of
virtual banking licences by
the end of 2018 or early 2019
- Proactively open up appropriate
government premises for the
installation of 5G base stations by
mobile service operators
Creative Industry
- Inject $1 billion into the Film Development
Fund to nurture talent, enhance local film production,
expand markets and
build up audiences
Nurturing Talent
- Implement the all-graduate teaching force
policy in public sector primary and secondary
schools, involving an additional recurrent
funding of about $1.5 billion per year
- Provide a Life-wide Learning Grant for public
sector schools and schools under the Direct
Subsidy Scheme through an annual provision
of $900 million
- Provide public sector schools and
schools under the Direct Subsidy
Scheme with additional recurrent
resources of $570 million to
strengthen the administrative
support for schools and their
management committees
- Provide an additional
provision of $800 million per
year to strengthen support
for students with special
educational needs on various
fronts, including enhancing
the educational psychologist
to school ratio and creating
school-based speech therapist posts
in public sector ordinary schools
- Provide an additional recurrent funding
of $120 million per year to subsidise
students to undertake designated
self-financing sub-degree programmes
- Offer 1 200 places a year through the
Vocational Training Council to allow students
to join industries requiring specialised skills
under the “Earn & Learn” model
- Strengthen primary healthcare services by
setting up the first District Health Centre
in Kwai Tsing, and extending this model to
other districts
- Recognise the positioning
of Chinese medicine
services in the healthcare
system in Hong Kong;
provide subsidised
in-patient and out-patient
services through the Chinese medicine
hospital under planning and the 18 Chinese
Medicine Centres for Training and Research;
and set up a $500 million dedicated fund to
promote applied research and specialisation
of Chinese medicine
- Continue to implement the first 10-year
Hospital Development Plan and prepare for
the second 10-year Hospital Development
Plan with a view to providing more than
9 000 hospital beds in the future
- Propose to legislate for a ban on the
import, manufacture, sale, distribution
and advertisement of electronic
cigarettes and other new smoking products
- Introduce free cervical cancer vaccination for
school girls of specific age group
- Launch a pilot scheme to provide
free outreach seasonal influenza
vaccination services for primary
students at schools; increase the
subsidy under the Vaccination
Subsidy Scheme and expand its
eligible groups to cover people
aged between 50 and 64
- Expand the target beneficiaries of the
Community Care Fund Elderly Dental
Assistance Programme to cover elderly
persons receiving Old Age Living
Allowance aged 65 or above