Housing and Land Supply
Housing Policy
- Set aside $5 billion to increase the number of transitional housing projects substantially to provide a total of 10 000 units within the next three years
- Invite the Community Care Fund to launch in the next financial year two rounds of grants of the one-off living subsidy for low-income households not living in public rental housing (PRH) and not receiving Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA), including those awaiting PRH, and to complete the study on implementing a regularised cash allowance scheme by the end of 2020
- Increase the maximum rates of rent allowance for CSSA households
- Invite the Hong Kong Housing Authority (HKHA) to explore the feasibility of redeveloping its factory estates for public housing use
- Propose HKHA to actively prepare for accelerating the sale of the existing 42 000 unsold flats in the estates under the Tenants Purchase Scheme
- Put up about 12 000 flats under the Home Ownership Scheme and Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme for pre-sale next year
- Suggest HKHA further raise the quota of White Form Secondary Market Scheme in 2020
- Launch the second Starter Homes (SH) for Hong Kong Residents pilot project at the Anderson Road site, enlisting private developers to provide about 1 000 SH units for sale
- Entrust the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) with a new mission to provide more SH or other types of subsidised sale flats in its redevelopment projects in light of the experience of the first SH project at Ma Tau Wai Road
- URA plans to announce early next year the commencement of the redevelopment of Civil Servants’ Co-operative Building Society Scheme buildings as a pilot project
- Raise the cap on the value of the properties eligible for a mortgage loan of maximum cover of 90% loan-to-value ratio from $4 million to $8 million for first-time home buyers under the Mortgage Insurance Programme of the HKMC Insurance Limited
- Provide 3 300 youth hostel places and relax the prevailing requirement to allow tenants of the Youth Hostel Scheme to submit/retain their applications for public rental housing and continue to accumulate points under the Quota and Points System
Land Supply
- Expedite planning work and then invoke the Lands Resumption Ordinance to resume three types of private land for developing public housing and SH:
- Privately-owned brownfield sites in the New Territories that may have development potential;
- private land which has been zoned for high-density housing development in statutory outline zoning plans, but without any development plans yet; and
- the urban private land located in Chai Kwo Ling Village, Ngau Chi Wan Village and Chuk Yuen United Village
- Announce a proposed framework for the Land Sharing Pilot Scheme with the target of accepting applications in early 2020
- Establish a platform for professionals and young people to take part in the development of the Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands under the Lantau Tomorrow Vision, and to explore how to link up the housing development plans on the artificial islands with the housing needs of Hong Kong people
- Re-plan the coastal development of Tuen Mun West, including exploring the feasibility of developing the coastal areas which also cover the River Trade Terminal into residential areas
- Review over 300 “Government, Institution or Community” sites that are earmarked for standalone public facility with a view to developing them under the “single site, multiple use” model, and assist non-governmental organisations to optimise their under-utilised sites
Diversified Economy
Innovation and Technology
- Extend the coverage of the Technology Talent Admission Scheme to companies outside the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation and Cyberport and to cover new technology areas
- Extend the coverage of the Researcher Programme, Postdoctoral Hub and Public Sector Trial Scheme to all technology companies conducting research and development activities
- Inject $500 million into the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund to further promote social innovation
Transportation and Logistics
- Provide tax concession for ship lessors and leasing managers to develop ship leasing business; and plan to introduce tax concessionary measures to encourage more commercial principals of the maritime industry to establish a presence in Hong Kong
Trade and Investment
- Inject $1 billion into the Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales and significantly increase the funding ceiling per enterprise under its Mainland Programme and Free Trade Agreement Programme to $2 million
- Inject $1 billion into the Export Marketing and Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund to double the cumulative funding ceiling for each enterprise under the SME Export Marketing Fund to $800,000
- Provide a 90% guarantee under the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme for approved loans
- Extend the application period of the special concessionary measures under the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme and the validity period of the three enhancement measures to 30 June 2022
- Introduce a relief measure under the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme and the SME Loan Guarantee Scheme where enterprises may apply for principal moratorium of up to 6 months, during which only interest repayments have to be made
Telecommunications and Broadcasting
- Launch a Community Care Fund programme to assist needy households to procure digital TV sets or set-top boxes
Improving People’s Livelihood
Medical and Healthcare
- Following the opening of the first District Health Centre (DHC) in Kwai Tsing District, we will strive to establish DHCs in six other districts and DHC Express in the remaining 11 districts
- Extend the School Outreach Vaccination Programme to cover kindergartens and child care centres on a pilot basis, and give pregnant women one dose of acellular pertussis-containing vaccine
- Provide a quota of more than 600 000 subsidised Chinese medicine out-patient, acupuncture and tui-na services at Chinese Medicine Centres for Training and Research, and reduce the additional daily in-patient fee for Integrated Chinese-Western Medicine services to $120
- Implement a series of targeted measures progressively to further support patients with uncommon disorders
Labour and Welfare
- Launch a pilot scheme to encourage people to undergo and complete on-the-job training under the employment programmes of the Labour Department through the provision of a retention allowance
- Introduce a three-year pilot programme for construction workers injured at work to receive private treatment and rehabilitation services
- Enhance the After School Care Programme, including adding 2 500 full fee-waiving places, relaxing application eligibility, increasing the subsidy level, and streamlining the financial vetting process, etc.
- Inject $500 million into the Community Investment and Inclusion Fund to support social capital development projects and build mutual help networks in the community
- Regularise the provision of a student grant with each secondary day school, primary school and kindergarten student receiving an annual allowance of $2,500
- Raise all payment rates of the Working Family Allowance, including increasing the household allowances by 16.7%-25%, and substantially raising the Child Allowance by 40%
- Improve the CSSA Scheme to encourage employment, including raising the maximum amount of disregarded earnings per month by 60% to $4,000, enhancing the employment support services, extending a range of supplement and special grants to eligible non-elderly able-bodied recipients, and increasing the rent allowance
- Increase the total number of service vouchers to 8 000 under the Pilot Scheme on Community Care Service Voucher for the Elderly
- Provide an additional service quota of 3 000 under the Integrated Home Care Services (Frail Cases)
- Provide an additional 1 000 service places under on-site pre-school rehabilitation services in each school year from 2020/21 to 2022/23, raising the total number of service places to 10 000, to help achieve “zero-waiting time”
- Provide some 1 200 additional service places in Special Child Care Centres and Early Education and Training Centres from 2019-20 to 2021-22
- Provide some 3 800 additional places in day rehabilitation service units and residential rehabilitation service units from 2019-20 to 2021-22
Liveable City
- Commence detailed planning and design for the Tung Chung Line Extension, Tuen Mun South Extension and Northern Link in order to commence construction early
- Subsidise 14 outlying island ferry routes to reduce the pressure on fare increase; and provide subsidy to replace the fleets of 11 ferry routes and introduce greener vessels
- Increase the subsidy rate under the Public Transport Fare Subsidy Scheme from one-fourth to one-third of the monthly public transport expenses in excess of $400, and raise the subsidy cap from $300 to $400 per month
- Upon commissioning of the Tuen Mun-Chek Lap Kok Link Subsea Tunnel and the Tseung Kwan O–Lam Tin Tunnel, waive the tolls of Lantau Link, Tseung Kwan O Tunnel and the two new tunnels
Environment and Nature Conservation
- Prepare for a $2 billion pilot subsidy scheme to promote installation of electric vehicle charging-enabling infrastructure in car parks of existing private residential buildings
- Extend the Cleaner Production Partnership Programme to March 2025 with funding of $300 million to encourage factories to improve regional environmental quality
City Management
- Inject an additional $3 billion into “Operation Building Bright 2.0” to assist more needy owners in inspecting and repairing their buildings
- Inject an additional $2 billion to enhance the existing Building Maintenance Grant Scheme for Elderly Owners, including extending the scheme to cover needy non-elderly owner-occupiers, raising the subsidy ceiling and relaxing the asset limit
- Inject an additional $2 billion into the Lift Modernisation Subsidy Scheme to expand the coverage to 8 000 lifts
- Inject an additional $3.5 billion into the Fire Safety Improvement Works Subsidy Scheme to subsidise more owners of old composite buildings to undertake fire safety enhancement measures
Nurturing Talent
- Reserved $1 billion to support simple minor internal conversion works to be carried out at some 600 aided schools
- Provide fellowships/scholarships for local students admitted to designated taught postgraduate programmes that meet Hong Kong’s development needs
- Introduce an Enhancement and Start-up Grant Scheme for Self-financing Post-secondary Education to support self-financing institutions in offering designated sub-degree or undergraduate programmes that meet market needs
- Enhance the support for students with autism spectrum disorders by assisting public sector ordinary primary and secondary schools to deploy a 3-tier intervention model in phases, which is expected to benefit about 10 000 students
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