Policy Address

38. To strengthen support for patients with uncommon disorders, the Government and the Hospital Authority (HA) plan to implement progressively a series of targeted measures, including examining the setting up of databases for individual uncommon disorders to facilitate clinical diagnosis and treatment, deploying resources to promote relevant scientific research and development, and enhancing public awareness of uncommon disorders. We will also strengthen our support for drug treatment of patients with uncommon disorders and cancers through the Samaritan Fund and the Community Care Fund.

39. At present, for workers injured at work who have to wait for HA’s occupational rehabilitation services, their recovery progress is often affected as a result of the excessively long waiting time. I propose to introduce a three-year pilot programme for construction workers, under which a case management approach will be adopted to provide private treatment and rehabilitation services for eligible employees injured at work in a timely and well co-ordinated manner to facilitate their early recovery and return to work. Moreover, we propose to commission the Occupational Safety and Health Council to administer the pilot programme through legislative amendments.