Policy Address

49. Meanwhile, we will continue to explore overseas markets. To assist local enterprises and professional services to explore the B&R markets, we will organise delegations and invite Mainland and Hong Kong enterprises to conduct joint promotional activities in the B&R economies; and seek the policy support of the relevant Central authorities to extend the incentives and facilitations currently enjoyed by Mainland enterprises to Hong Kong enterprises intending to set up businesses in the Mainland’s overseas Economic and Trade Co-operation Zones (ETCZs).

50. To facilitate and support Hong Kong enterprises to expand their markets in the Mainland and overseas, the Financial Secretary announced this year the injection of $2 billion into the Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales (BUD Fund) and $1 billion into the SME Export Marketing Fund, as well as the doubling of the funding ceiling to $2 million per enterprise under the BUD Fund’s Mainland Programme and FTA Programme. We believe these measures will help our enterprises expand in the Mainland’s domestic market and support market development in economies with which Hong Kong has signed FTAs, including establishing a presence in the ETCZs in these markets.

51. The violent incidents in the past few months have seriously damaged Hong Kong’s international image and undermined its attractiveness to overseas investors. Once peace is restored, we will, in collaboration with the relevant organisations, chambers of commerce and professional bodies, devote more efforts and resources to carrying out promotional work and other effective measures to rebuild confidence in Hong Kong as soon as practicable. With our solid foundation, institutional strengths and the opportunities afforded by our Motherland, as well as the perseverance and strong adaptability of Hong Kong people, I firmly believe that Hong Kong will be able to ride out this storm and move on.