Policy Address

Electoral Arrangements

25. The 2020 LegCo General Election, originally scheduled for 6 September 2020, has been postponed for a year amidst the severe epidemic situation. According to the decision made by the NPCSC, the sixth-term LegCo will continue to discharge its duties for no less than one year until the commencement of the seventh-term LegCo. There are views in the community calling for the Electoral Affairs Commission (EAC) to change and enhance the existing electoral arrangements. Meanwhile, the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau (CMAB) has also reviewed the existing legislation on the regulation of various electoral arrangements. Taking into account the proposals put forward by the EAC last month and the community’s views, the CMAB will introduce bills to revise the relevant legislation in due course so as to enhance the electoral system and arrangements.

Public Finance

26. The current-term Government adopts a proactive fiscal policy with substantial resources devoted to investments for Hong Kong and relieving our people’s burden. The Government’s recurrent expenditure has increased from $361.8 billion in 2017-18 to the approved estimate of $486.6 billion in 2020-21, representing a growth of 34.5% or an average annual growth of 10.4%, which is the highest among all previous terms of Government. Different sectors have been severely affected amid the tense relations between China and the United States as well as the outbreak of social unrest and COVID-19. Over the past six months or so, the Government has rolled out relief measures totalling about $310 billion under this financial year’s Budget and the three rounds of the Anti-epidemic Fund (AEF). With the anticipation that the weak economy will persist for quite a long time and the consequent reduction in government revenue, it will be hard to continue to increase government expenditure. However, to avoid impeding the development of Hong Kong, we will continue to invest in infrastructure, develop our land resources and meet economic and livelihood needs.