Policy Address

Airport City

49. Moreover, to further leverage the HKIA’s contribution in promoting Hong Kong’s economic development, the HKSAR Government has accepted a number of proposals put forward by the AAHK:

  • to develop automated car parks on the Hong Kong Boundary Crossing Facilities (HKBCF) Island of the HZMB where self-drive visitors from Guangdong and Macao driving their cars via the HZMB and fly out from the HKIA or visit Hong Kong can park their cars there. “Land-to-air” transfer passengers, after parking their private cars in the automated car parks, may proceed to the boarding gates directly through the Intermodal Transfer Terminal located within the restricted area of the airport without the need to go through Hong Kong’s immigration clearance. Other visitors may go through clearance procedures at the Passenger Clearance Building at the HKBCF to enter Hong Kong after parking;
  • to take forward the Airport City Link project connecting the SKYCITY and the HKBCF Island by constructing a bridge system and by applying autonomous transportation system to strengthen the overall transportation network and capacity, thereby connecting the SKYCITY, the HZMB Hong Kong Port and the HKIA as one. As the next step, the AAHK plans to extend the autonomous transportation system of the Airport City Link to Tung Chung Town Centre and optimise the roads along the eastern coast of the Airport Island so as to provide a comprehensive and environmentally-friendly transport link connecting Tung Chung Town Centre, the Airport Island and the HKBCF Island;
  • to construct the Hong Kong International Aviation Academy campus and student dormitories on the HKBCF Island, in order to strengthen talent training and attract more Hong Kong youth to join the aviation industry; and
  • to reserve part of the land parcels on the HKBCF Island for the development of air cargo logistics and related supporting facilities for the airport community.

This innovative idea of optimising the use of the land adjacent to the airport will not only provide more job opportunities and a better living environment for the expanding Tung Chung community, but also inject new development elements and economic impetus into the whole North Lantau. The AAHK will brief the public on this project later.