Policy Address

Developing Hong Kong into an International Innovation and Technology Hub

Current Position of Innovation and Technology

50. Hong Kong has universities with strong R&D capabilities, a pool of local and foreign talents, a fervent R&D atmosphere, as well as a thriving start-up ecosystem. Over the past three years or so, with the support of the Ministry of Science and Technology and as a result of the HKSAR Government’s high-level steer, cross-departmental collaboration, and investments worth a hundred billion of dollars, as well as the implementation of the eight major directions set out in my 2017 Policy Address, Hong Kong’s I&T development has been very vibrant. Some even describe it as the dawn of a golden era for I&T development. The progress achieved in various areas of work is detailed in this year’s Policy Address Supplement.

51. The COVID-19 epidemic has enabled Hong Kong to successfully demonstrate how technology can be applied to solve problems. In combating the epidemic, the Hong Kong community has made good use of local R&D outcomes to prevent and control the disease, address livelihood needs as well as commercialise these outcomes.