Policy Address

  1. operate the School-based After School Care Service Scheme – We will roll out a School-based After School Care Service Scheme in the 2023/24 school year to allow primary students in need to stay at school outside school hours for care and learning support. This will help their parents go to work and will also benefit single parent households. The scheme will be implemented on a trial basis in 50 primary schools in districts with more targeted students for one year, and will be reviewed. NGOs will be engaged to run the services at the participating schools, benefiting some 3 000 students; and

  2. support singleton or doubleton elderly households – Despite the continuous development of elderly services and increasing dedication of resources, singleton or doubleton elderly households remain vulnerable, and we need to reach out proactively to offer support. To that end, the Government will mobilise community resources and will, starting from the first quarter of next year, engage the Care Teams in Tsuen Wan and Southern districts as pilots, to arrange visits and contacts for singleton or doubleton elderly households. The Care Teams will assist the households in seeking relevant government support services, and refer cases with welfare needs to the relevant social welfare units for follow-up. The Government will review the effectiveness of the implementation in the pilot districts, and consider extending the services to other districts.