Policy Address

Care Teams

129. In the last Policy Address, I announced the establishment of the Care Teams, which have contributed considerably towards district care and social services. An example was last month's Super Typhoon and torrential rain, in which the Care Teams in the Southern and Tsuen Wan districts promptly assisted the residents affected. The selection of Care Teams in all 18 districts has been completed and they are now ready to kick-start their service, converging community resources and efforts to support district work, and foster ties with the communities. The Government will, having regard to the operation of Care Teams, make good use of technology to develop management applications for the Care Teams to facilitate their work.

Women's Development

130. Following the allocation of additional funding to establish the Women Empowerment Fund last year, the Government will set up under the Home and Youth Affairs Bureau (HYAB) a dedicated Women Affairs Team and designate the post of Commissioner for Women Affairs to steer work related to women's affairs. Key initiatives for the coming year include launching a one-stop family and women information portal; organising the first Family and Women Development Summit to collect views for formulating more focused measures; and introducing a maintenance mediation pilot scheme through CCF to assist the parties concerned, including women who are victims of maintenance arrears, to resolve disputes through mediation.

Promote Hometown Culture

131. The Home Affairs Department will launch the Clansmen Culture Promotion Scheme in the first quarter of 2024 for a period of three years, with a total funding of $30 million earmarked for application by local clansmen associations to organise activities promoting hometown culture. The scheme aims to deepen the public's understanding of and sense of belonging to their hometowns, thereby fostering the spirit of loving the motherland, Hong Kong and their hometowns.