Policy Address

Promote Sports Development and Build Hong Kong into a Centre for Mega International Sports Events

125. In recent years, Hong Kong athletes have achieved outstanding results in international competitions. Hong Kong has abundant resources and support. With our soon-to-complete new landmark Kai Tak Sports Park (KTSP), and our co-hosting of the 15th National Games with Guangdong and Macao late next year, our city has unrivaled advantages for developing itself into a platform for international sports activities. The Government will continue to foster sports development by promoting sports in the community, supporting elite sports, maintaining Hong Kong as a centre for major international sports events, enhancing professionalism, and developing sports as an industry. Relevant measures include:

  1. enhancing the development of elite athletes and coaches – The Government has invited the Hong Kong Sports Institute to review the mechanism of direct financial support for athletes (including athletes with disabilities) to enhance the training system, and has set up a committee to oversee the development of sports medicine and sports science. The Government will also strengthen training for coaches, and explore the feasibility of establishing a standardised accreditation system for coaches;

  2. boosting sports promotion in the community – Provide more sports and recreational facilities, including building a swimming complex suitable for hosting international competitions and a sports arena with fencing training and competition facilities. We will also regularise the Pilot Scheme on Subvention for New Sports;

  3. reforming the governance of national sports associations (NSAs) – The Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China will conclude its review on the governance and operation of NSAs, and make recommendations, ensuring the NSAs are operating effectively so that athletes (including athletes with disabilities) can realise their potential in a fair and professional environment; and

  4. developing a host city economy in the sports industry – The Government will continue to support athletes to participate in different large-scale international competitions. We will make full use of the KTSP and other existing venues to host large-scale international competitions so that Hong Kong teams can compete on home soil, building their own audience. These will be conducive to the long-term development of the sports industry.

126. The Government will review the redevelopment plan for the Hong Kong Stadium to ensure its synergy with the KTSP.