Policy Address


  1. Reform and Embrace Changes to Achieve Prosperity 1-11
  2. Steadfastly and Successfully Implement "One Country, Two Systems" and Strengthening Our Governance Systems 12-28
    • (A) Fully and Faithfully Implement the Principle of "One Country, Two Systems" 12-19
      • Optimise the Institutional Strengths of "One Country, Two Systems" 12-14
      • Safeguard National Security 15-17
      • Foster Patriotic Education 18
      • Promote Chinese Culture 19
    • (B) Strengthen Our Governance Systems 20-28
      • Enhance the Cross-bureau Co-ordination Mechanism 21
      • Strengthen Governance Capabilities of the Civil Service 22-26
        • Strengthen Civil Service Management 22
        • National Studies and International Training 23-24
        • Civil Service Exchange Programme between Hong Kong and the Mainland 25
        • Launch the Governance Talents Development Programme 26
      • Digital Transformation of Public Services 27
      • Bolster Security of Computer Systems of Critical Infrastructure 28
  3. Consolidate and Enhance Our Status as an International Financial, Shipping and Trade Centre 29-74
    • (A) International Financial Centre 33-46
      • Deepen Mutual Market Access and Enrich Offshore Renminbi Business 34-36
      • Further Enhance Our Status as an International Risk Management Centre 37
      • Further Enhance Our Status as an International Asset and Wealth Management Centre 38
      • Proactively Expand Markets and Deepen Overseas Networks 39
      • Further Enhance the Securities Market 40
      • Provide Convenient Cross-boundary Financial Services Arrangement 41
      • Build an International Gold Trading Market 42-44
      • Enhance the Green Finance Ecosystem 45-46
    • (B) International Shipping Centre 47-57
      • Establish the Hong Kong Maritime and Port Development Board 49
      • Promote Development of High Value-added Maritime Services 50
      • Advance Development of Green Maritime Centre 51
      • Create a Commodity Trading Ecosystem 52-53
      • Develop the Smart Port and Conduct International Promotions 54-55
      • Expand High Value-added Logistics Services 56-57
    • (C) International Trade Centre 58-65
      • Build a High Value-added Supply Chain Service Centre 60
      • Expand Our Global Economic and Trade Networks 61
      • Promote Development of a Headquarters Economy 62-64
      • Foster Trading of Liquor 65
    • (D) International Aviation Hub 66-71
      • Enhance Aviation Development Strategies 68
      • Develop a World-leading Airport City 69
      • Expand Cargo Capacity through the GBA and Enhance Advantages of the Air Cargo Industry 70-71
    • (E) Regional Centre for International Legal and Dispute Resolution Services 72-74
      • Commence Training for International Legal Talents 72
      • Step up Promotion of Mediation Services 73
      • Develop a Sports Dispute Resolution System 74
  4. Develop New Quality Productive Forces Tailored to Local Conditions 75-102
    • (A) International I&T Centre 76-86
      • Optimise the Strategy and Institutional Set-up for the Development of New Industrialisation 76
      • Establish the Third InnoHK Research Cluster 77
      • Increase Research Funding 78
      • Increase Investment for I&T Industries 79
      • Attract International Start-up Accelerators to Establish a Presence in Hong Kong 80
      • Develop the Low-altitude Economy 81-82
      • Promote Development of Communications Technology 83
      • Advance R&D of Aerospace Science and Technology 84
      • Promote Development of New Energy 85-86
    • (B) Regional Intellectual Property Trading Centre 87-92
      • Enhance the Legislative Framework for IP 88-90
      • Strengthen Training of IP Talents 91-92
    • (C) International Health and Medical Innovation Hub 93-95
      • Reform the Approval Mechanism for Drugs and Medical Devices 94
      • Strengthen Biomedical Technology R&D and Translation 95
    • (D) Promote Integrated Development of Digital Economy and Real Economy 96-102
      • Accelerate Development of Digital Trade 97-98
      • Establish a New Fintech Innovation Ecosystem 99
      • Facilitate Cross-boundary E-commerce Logistics Services 100
      • Promote Smart Construction and Management of Public Rental Housing Estates 101
      • Promote LawTech 102
  5. Build Hong Kong into an International Hub for High calibre Talents 103-120
    • (A) Co ordinate and Promote Integrated Development of Education, Technology and Talents 103
    • (B) Attract Talents 104-110
      • Trawl for Talents 105-106
      • Assist Talents in Pursuing Development in Hong Kong 107
      • Promote Development of an International Hub for Post-secondary Education 108-110
        • Nurture Future Talents and Establish the "Study in Hong Kong" Brand 108
        • Promote Quality Development of Self-financing Institutions 109
        • Develop the Northern Metropolis University Town 110
    • (C) Nurture Talents 111-120
      • Promote Multiple Pathways 111-112
        • Advance the Development of Universities of Applied Sciences 111
        • Expand Our Vocational Talent Pool 112
      • Promote STEAM Education in Primary and Secondary Schools 113
      • Enhance Support for Schools, Teachers and Students 114
      • Expedite Youth Hostel Projects 115
      • Support Young People to Purchase Subsidised Sale Flats 116
      • Strengthen Support for Youth Development 117-120
  6. Promote Integrated Development of Culture, Sports and Tourism and Foster Economic Diversification 121-137
    • (A) East meets West Centre for International Cultural Exchange and Integrated Development of Culture, Sports and Tourism 121-133
      • Enhance Cultural Soft Power and Promote Development of Cultural and Creative Industries 122-124
        • Strengthen Long-term Industry Development in the West Kowloon Cultural District 124
      • Promote Sports Development and Build Hong Kong into a Centre for Mega International Sports Events 125-128
        • Develop Kai Tak Sports Park into a Sports and Mega Event Landmark 127-128
      • Enhance Cultural Confidence and Revitalise Hong Kong's Tourism Industry 129-133
        • Develop New Tourist Hotspots 131
        • Increase Tourist Arrivals 132-133
    • (B) Foster Economic Diversification 134-137
      • Support Small and Medium Enterprises 134
      • Develop Silver Economy 135-136
      • Promote Sustainable Development of the Agriculture and Fisheries Industries 137
  7. Take Forward the Northern Metropolis as Growth Engine and Deepen GBA Collaboration 138-156
  8. Improve People's Livelihood in Pursuit of Happiness 157-221
    • (A) Housing: Continuously Enhance Speed, Quantity, Quality and Efficiency 157-174
      • Increase Public Housing Supply 157-160
      • Devise a System on the Renting of Subdivided Units in Residential Buildings to Tackle the Issue 161-165
      • Enhance the Housing Ladder 166
      • Combat Public Rental Housing Tenancy Abuse 167
      • Take Forward Public Rental Housing Redevelopment 168
      • Stabilise the Supply of Spade-ready Sites for Private Housing 169
      • Relax the Maximum Loan-to-Value Ratios of Property Mortgage Loans 170
      • Further Improve Building Safety and Building Management 171-174
    • (B) Create Land to Build More Housing 175-182
      • Cut More Red Tapes and Lower Costs 176
      • Facilitate R&D and Application of Construction Technologies and Align Hong Kong Standards with Guobiao 177-179
      • Commence the Environmental Impact Assessment Process for Kau Yi Chau Artificial Islands 180
      • Expedite Urban Redevelopment 181-182
    • (C) Take Forward the Construction of Transport Infrastructure 183-184
      • Promote Major Transport Infrastructure Development 183
      • Build Smart and Green Mass Transit Systems 184
    • (D) Deepen Reform of the Healthcare System 185-192
      • Advance Primary Healthcare Development 186
      • Enhance Public and Private Healthcare Services 187-188
      • Bring in More Healthcare Professionals 189
      • Support Establishment of a Third Medical School 190
      • Promote Development of Chinese Medicine 191
      • Promote Mental Health 192
    • (E) Build a Caring and Inclusive Society 193-207
      • Targeted Poverty Alleviation 194
      • Care for the Elderly 195-198
      • Support Carers 199-200
      • Strengthen Support for Persons with Disabilities 201-202
      • Promote Women's Development 203
      • Support Working Parents 204
      • Protect Children 205
      • Provide Support for Ethnic Minorities 206
      • Care Teams 207
    • (F) Strengthen Labour Support 208-213
      • Reform the Employees Retraining Board and Vigorously Strengthen the Training of Local Workers 208-209
      • Implement Full Portability of the Mandatory Provident Fund 210
      • Enhance the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund and Protect Employees 211
      • Encourage Employment among Middle-aged and Elderly Persons 212
      • Promote Occupational Safety and Health 213
    • (G) Promote a Green and Low carbon Lifestyle 214-221
      • Continue to Promote Waste Reduction and Recycling 214-215
      • Speed up Green Transformation of Manufacturing Production 216-218
      • Continue to Promote Ecological Conservation 219
      • Expand the Charging Network for Electric Vehicles 220-221
  9. Closing Remarks 222-228
  10. Annex: Indicators for Specified Tasks

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