Policy Address

(B) Strengthen Our Governance Systems

20. Since taking office, the current-term Government has taken forward various reforms on cross-disciplinary co-ordination and governance culture so as to strengthen our governance systems. Apart from introducing three Deputy Secretaries of Department to strengthen leadership and cross-bureau co-ordination, I have set indicators for specified tasks and monitored their progress and outcomes, creating a government culture focusing on actions and delivery of results. Moreover, we have updated the Civil Service Code to spell out the core values and standards of conduct that civil servants should uphold, and introduced a mechanism to mobilise the Government at all levels to enhance emergency response. The Government will deepen the reforms and continue to strengthen our governance systems.

Enhance the Cross-bureau Co-ordination Mechanism

21. We will enhance the leadership and cross-bureau co-ordination mechanisms, and fully leverage the leading and co-ordinating functions of Secretaries and Deputy Secretaries of Department. We will establish the following committee and working groups:

  1. The Committee on Education, Technology and Talents, chaired by the Chief Secretary for Administration with the Secretary for Education, Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, and Secretary for Labour and Welfare, as members, will co-ordinate and promote the integrated development of education, technology and talents. It will also expand connections, attract and cultivate talents, foster the development of technologies, and promote Hong Kong as an international hub for high-calibre talents;

  2. The Working Group on Developing Low-altitude Economy, led by the Deputy Financial Secretary, will kick-start projects with application prospects, formulate development strategies and action plans on the low-altitude economy, as well as take forward regulatory reform and plans for related infrastructural facilities;

  3. The Working Group on Developing Tourist Hotspots, led by the Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration, will strengthen cross-departmental co-ordination and leverage community efforts, identifying and developing tourist hotspots of high popularity and with strong appeal in various districts; and

  4. The Working Group on Promoting Silver Economy, led by the Deputy Chief Secretary for Administration, will formulate measures to expedite the development of the silver industry in line with the daily needs of the elderly.