Policy Address

Safeguard National Security

15. Security and development work together like the two wings of a bird. Development requires a safe social environment. In March 2024, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) fulfilled the constitutional responsibility and historic mission of enacting local legislation for Article 23 of the Basic Law. The newly enacted Safeguarding National Security Ordinance (SNSO) achieves convergence, compatibility and complementarity with the Hong Kong National Security Law (HKNSL). Together they form a comprehensive legal system and enforcement mechanism for safeguarding national security. But threats to national security may spring up any time. We must stay vigilant and put up our guard.

16. Public officers are duty bound to safeguard national security. Section 8(3)(a) of the SNSO stipulates that if the law of the HKSAR confers any function on any person, the function is to be read as including a duty to safeguard national security. Section 114 stipulates that public servants must provide assistance for the work on safeguarding national security. All bureaux and departments must review their codes, guidelines and procedures to ensure compliance with these provisions.

17. It is of utmost importance that our people safeguard national security of their own accord. Since opening in August, the National Security Exhibition Gallery has been well-received by the public. We will train up tutors at district level for promotion of national security education in the community. Thematic exhibitions will be rolled out by the gallery to dovetail with the 10th National Security Education Day next year. The Education Bureau (EDB) will also update the Curriculum Framework of National Security Education.