Policy Address

Enhance the Housing Ladder

166. The HKHA will further enhance the housing ladder in addressing the aspiration of the public for home ownership, including:

  1. adjusting the ratio between PRH (including Green Form Subsidised Home Ownership Scheme (GSH) units) and subsidised sale flats (SSF) – The HKHA is reviewing public housing projects to be completed in the middle or near the end of the next decade, with an aim to gradually adjust the ratio between PRH and SSF from the current 7:3 to 6:4;

  2. increasing the chance of applicants who have made repeated attempts to purchase SSF – Starting from the next GSH and HOS sale exercises, an extra ballot number will be allocated to applicants who failed to purchase a SSF in the last two consecutive sale exercises of the same type of SSF; and

  3. expediting the circulation of PRH units – The HKHA will tighten up the Well-off Tenants Policies by raising the additional rent and lowering the income limits for well-off tenants, so that public resources are appropriately allocated to applicants in need. Meanwhile, the ratio between Green Form and White Form in respect of HOS flats will be revised from 4:6 to 5:5 to encourage more PRH tenants to buy HOS flats.