Policy Address

Strengthen Support for Persons with Disabilities

201. We will further enhance the rehabilitation services for PWDs, including:

  1. establishing 14 Integrated Community Rehabilitation Centres across the city with the provision of 1 280 additional service places, to support PWDs based on their individual needs and rehabilitation progress through an integrated, case-management approach;

  2. creating 90 additional peer-support posts to enhance peer assistance for PWDs and their carers;

  3. setting up an additional District Support Centre for PWDs in New Territories East; and

  4. providing about 1 040 additional places for day, residential and pre-school rehabilitation services, and exploring the establishment of Special Child Care Centres on vacant kindergarten premises.

202. To encourage and support PWDs to engage in employment, the Government will introduce the "Caring Employer" medal, commending employers who actively engage PWDs; promote the establishment of more social enterprises engaging PWDs; and enhance the services and training models of sheltered workshops and integrated vocational rehabilitation services centres, building a better vocational rehabilitation and training ladder for PWDs.