The Policy Address 2000

85. The Government provides immediate relief through a range of social services focusing on the disadvantaged. The Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) Scheme and the Social Security Allowance (SSA) Scheme help meet the basic needs of the underprivileged. We also offer tangible assistance in respect of housing, medical care, education and rehabilitation. However, we understand these support schemes, even though fully implemented, may not reach every needy member of society for a variety of reasons. So, we will enhance our referral and outreaching services to better understand their needs and provide information on the resources available to help resolve problems. This will help us to do a better job in assisting the poor. Also, we will pay special attention to the elderly and the families of new arrivals who are in need.

86. For those who are still suffering hardship as a result of the on-going economic restructuring, we need to implement various flexible and effective measures to improve the ability of people to support themselves. These measures include creating job opportunities through social investments and drawing up plans designed to help the most needy in our community. Of these measures, improving training and retraining of grass-roots workers is of paramount importance.

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